February 8, 2011

Raw snacks by Raw revolution

a raw snack by Raw Revolution Organic Live Food Bars
Eating raw, live foods enliven cells and contribute to a better functioning body. As more people awaken to the incredible benefits of this natural way of eating, the global ecology also begins to flourish. But besides grabbing an apple, how can eating raw become convenient to keep up with a busy lifestyle? There are high quality options for raw foodies on the run!! 
Registered nurse and natural foods chef Alice Benedetto turned her passion into an organic raw-food product. Raw Revolution Organic Live Food Bars, available at various international wholefood retailers and on Amazon.com, are raw, gluten free, vegan and free of wheat, corn, soy, trans-fat, cholesterol and refined sugar.

February 7, 2011

Molecular gastronomy

two examples of cook with liquid nitrogen

United States Patents

Inventor of molecular gastronomy is Pierre Gilles de Gennes, Nobel Prize  for Physics in 1991. He, since 1992, broughttogether chemists biologists and chefs in order to make scientific experiments in the kitchen to get to develop a "theory of thedish
"Frenchman Hervè This, author of several books on molecular gastronomy, wasthe first chef to put on paper innovation dishes prepared with scientific methods.
The principal point of this method is the review of cooking method to create new flavors and improved dishes from the gastronomic point of view; cooking is often done without a flame. Alternative methods, based on the study of modification of the molecules of food, to create new flavors,  but even more they can offer new and more advantageous features of dishes,including its diet. For example it's possible cook fish in a mix of cast sugar , without oil and discovered that with this mixture halves cooking time, retaining the moisture of the fish. 
It'a new method all to discover. You can see a video of molrcular food preparation.

Evolution of cooking methods

The first type of cooking has appeared with the discovery of fire and consisted in roasting directly on coals. Next method is boiling food, but not directly on the fire but in some water which was closed in animal skin, that was placed in a hole filled with hot stones. The our boiling are introduced with the invention of crockery hot resistance (about IX sec. a.C.).
The cooking on the stove was born at 3000 a.c., when Egyptians were developing the method for makeing bread.
Last method is frying, thanks to the discovery of metal crockery.

February 6, 2011



Synonyms of cooked

1. Uncooked
2. Unripe, immature
3. Natural, crude, rustic
4. Hard, Pungent
5. Tough, realistic, sharp, blunt, brutal, nasty, unpleasant
6. Cruel, painful

Synonyms of raw

1.uncooked, undercooked
2.natural, unprocessed
6.tough, realistic, sharp, blunt, brutal, nasty, unpleasant
7.hard, cold, pungent, harsh

Presentation du blog

Bienvenue dans le blog Cuit et cru. Notre blog aborde le theme du cuit et du cru dans l’histoire de la culture materiélle.
L’analyse de ce couple d’agjectifs concerne deux importants domanines: les aliments et les matériaux. Chaqu’un des themes à été examiné à travers plusierurs points de vue: les senses, les concepts-clé, l’histoire, l’art, la literature ainsi que la musique, le cinéma, la publicité, les bandes dessinées et bien encore.
En surfant entre les hyperliens, on remarque que le theme du cuit et du cru croise plusieurs secteurs: on le retrouve dans le bien-être, le mode de vie, la religion, autant que dans la recherche de la qualité des materiaux et des innovations. Pour découvrir tout celà et plus encore à propos de l’univers du cuit et du cru nous vous invitons à visiter le blog. Bonne visite!

Il crudo il cotto e il mangiato

an example of dish
October 2010 , "La stanza del gusto" in Napoli organized an event dedicated to the Raw and Cooked of Lévi Strauss. There are four events: from raw milk cheeses, organic vegetables to meat and fish. It starts from raw to learn to appreciate the flavors do not corrupt, after you proceded with slow cocking.

"The tension between nature and culture , raw and cooked has a logic, a development and rules. Without taking too seriously we try to search tastiest expressions..."
 chef Mario Vallone

Präsentation des Blogs

Willkommen auf dem Blog von gekochtem und rohem. Unser Blog befasst sich mitden gekochten und rohen in der Geschichte der materiellen Kultur.
Die Analyse dieses Paar von Adjektiven über zwei Hauptbereiche: den Bereich derLebensmittel, und das eigentliche Produkt. Bedeutungen, Schlüsselbegriffe,Geschichte,Kunst, Literatur, sondern auch Musik, Filme, Werbung, Comics und vieles mehr: Beide Themen wurden durch verschiedene Perspektiven erforschtDie Navigation durch Hypertext-Links, beachten Sie, dass das Thema der gekochten und rohen und Kreuz unterschiedlichsten Bereichen: wir finden es im Wohlbefinden,Lebensstil, Religion, aber auch in die Qualität der Materialien und Innovationen. Umdies und mehr auf die Welt der gekochten und rohen zu tun ist, den Blog zu besuchen. Viel Spaß beim Surfen!

Conceptual map of cooked and raw

Blog presentation

Welcome in the Cooked and raw blog. Our blog faces the theme of cooked and raw in material culture’s history.
The analysis of this couple of adjectives crosses two important areas: food and materials. Both of them have been investigated from diffetent points of view: meanings, concepts, history, art, literature, but also music, movies, advertising, comics and many others.
Browsing through hypertextual links, you can observe how the cooked and raw theme is cross-sectional in different sectors: actually we can find it in wellness, lifestyle, religion, but also material qualities and innovations. To discover all those things and many others about the cooked and raw world you just have to visit the blog. Enjoy the browsing!

Presentazione del blog

Benvenuto nel blog di Cotto e crudo. Il nostro blog affronta il tema del cotto e del crudo nella storia della cultura materiale.
L’analisi di questa coppia di aggettivi attraversa principalmente due ambiti: il settore del cibo, e quello dei materiali. Entrambi i temi sono stati indagati tramite diverse chiavi di lettura: i significati, i concetti chiave, la storia, l’arte, la letteratura, ma anche la musica, il cinema, le pubblicità, i fumetti e molto altro.
Navigando fra i collegamenti ipertestuali, si nota quanto il tema del cotto e del crudo sia trasversale ad ambiti disparati: lo ritroviamo infatti nel benessere, nella scelte di vita, nella religione, ma anche nelle qualità dei materiali e nelle innovazioni. Per scoprire questo e molto altro sull’universo del cotto e del crudo non resta che visitare il blog. Buona navigazione!

February 5, 2011

Neanderthals' cooked diet

Scientists have upgraded their opinion of Neanderthal cuisine after spotting traces of cooked food on the fossilised teeth of our long-extinct cousins.
The researchers found remnants of date palms, seeds and legumes on the teeth of three Neanderthals, uncovered in caves in Iraq and Belgium. Among the scraps of food embedded in the plaque on the Neanderthals’ teeth were particles of starch from barley and water lilies that showed  signs of having been cooked.
The Ice Age leftovers are believed to be the first direct evidence that the Neanderthal diet included cooked food as plants and meat obtained by hunting wild animals.

Italian metaphors with cooked and raw

1) Innamorato cotto
2) Cadere come una pera cotta
3) Dirne di cotto e di crude
4) Verità nuda e cruda
5) Maniere crude

English metaphors with cooked and raw

1) He knew he was cooked when he saw his boss standing at the desk.
(Cooked is caught or responsible for wrongdoing, as if prior to being caught, one is raw or unfinished.)

2) She had a raw talent for music.
(talent is only potential, and must be devoloped)

" 'A çimma", a sung recipe

Almost everybody in Italy, knows one of the best-known italian singer and songwriter, Fabrizio De Andrè. The success of this unconventional intellectual is due to some of his dreamful songs as “La canzone di Marinella”, “La guerra di Piero”, “Geordie” and many others. One of the peculiarity in his artistic activity was to rediscover the traditional italian dialects, a heritage of italian culture. 
This song, “A çimma”, comes fron Faber’s repertory, and the lyric is written in Genoese dialect, the language of his hometown. 
We choose to publish this song because it’s a “sung recipe”, a song consacrated to his favourite dish, the italian (and Genoese) “Tasca”. It’a a delicious dish, made with meat stuffed with ham and vegetables. 
Here you can find the original lyric of “A çimma”, with the italian translation of this sung recipe.

Ti t’adesciàe ‘nsce l’èndegu du matin
ch’à luxe a l’à ‘n pè ‘n tera e l’àtru in mà
ti t’ammiàe a ou spègiu dà ruzà                                  
ti mettiàe ou brùgu rèdennu’nte ‘n cantùn
che se d’à cappa a sgùggia ‘n cuxin-a stria
a xeùa de cuntà ‘e pàgge che ghe sùn
‘a cimma a l’è za pinn-a a l’è za cùxia

Cè serèn tèra scùa 
carne tènia nu fàte nèigra 
nu turnà dùa 

Bell’oueggè strapunta de tùttu bun 
prima de battezàlu ‘ntou prebuggiun 
cun dui aguggiuìn dritu ‘n pùnta de pè 
da sùrvia ‘n zù fitu ti ‘a punziggè 
àia de lùn-a vègia de ciaèu de nègia 
ch’ou cègu ou pèrde ‘a tèsta l’àse ou sentè 
oudù de mà misciòu de pèrsa lègia 
cos’àtru fa cos’àtru dàghe a ou cè 

Cè serèn tèra scùa 
carne tènia nu fàte nèigra 
nu turnà dùa 
e ‘nt’ou nùme de Maria 
tùtti diài da sta pùgnatta 
anène via 

Poi vegnan a pigiàtela i càmè 
te lascian tùttu ou fùmmu d’ou toèu mestè 
tucca a ou fantin à prima coutelà 
mangè mangè nu sèi chi ve mangià 

Cè serèn tèra scùa 
carne tènia nu fàte nèigra 
nu turnà dùa 
e ‘nt’ou nùme de Maria 
tùtti diài da sta pùgnatta 
anène via.

Ti sveglierai sull’indaco del mattino
quando la luce ha un piede in terra e l’ altro in mare
ti guarderai allo specchio di un tegamino
metterai la scopa dritta in un angolo
che se dalla cappa scivola in cucina la strega
a forza di contare le paglie che ci sono
la cima è già piena è già cucita
Cielo sereno terra scura 
carne tenera non diventare nera 
non ritornare dura

Bel guanciale materasso di ogni ben di Dio 
prima di battezzarla nelle erbe aromatiche
con due grossi aghi dritti in punta di piedi 
da sopra a sotto svelto la pungerai 
aria di luna vecchia di chiarore di nebbia 
che il chierico perde la testa e l’asino il sentiero 
odore di mare mescolato a maggiorana leggera 
cos’altro fare cos’altro dare al cielo 

Cielo sereno terra scura 
carne tenera non diventare nera
non ritornare dura 
e nel nome di Maria 
tutti i diavoli da questa pentola 
andate via

Poi vengono a prendertela i camerieri 
ti lasciano tutto il fumo del tuo mestiere
tocca allo scapolo la prima coltellata 
mangiate mangiate non sapete chi vi mangerà

Cielo sereno terra scura 
carne tenera non diventare nera 
non ritornare dura 
e nel nome di Maria 
tutti i diavoli da questa pentola 
andate via. 

February 1, 2011

Pasteurization and ultra-pasteurization

Pasteurization is a process of heating a food, usually liquid, to a specific temperature for a definite length of time, and then cooling it immediately. This process slows microbial growth in food. The process of heating wine to preserve it longer was known in China since AD.1117but the modern version was created by the French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur, after whom it is named. The first pasteurization test was completed on April 20, 1864. The process was originally conceived as a way of preventing wine and beer from souring.

As usually, from an innovation somebody else can reinvent new solutions, not always as clever as the starting innovation. If heat is good, then more heat must be better, or so the theory goes. Ultra-pasteurization is just that: heating the milk to an even higher point. This effectively increases the shelf life and stability of milk, like up to 60 days! However, it also destroys the taste, some argue...

The microwave

A microwave oven, or simply a microwave, is a kitchen appliance that heats food by dielectric heating. This is accomplished by using microwave radiation to heatpolarized molecules within the food. This excitation is fairly uniform, leading to food being more evenly heated throughout (except in dense objects) than generally occurs in other cooking techniques.
The first personal microwave was introduced in 1967 by the Amana Corporation.
Basic microwave ovens heat foods quickly and efficiently, but, unlike conventional ovens, do not brown or bake food. This makes them unsuitable for cooking certain foods, or to achieve certain culinary effects. Additional kinds of heat sources can be added to microwave packaging, or into combination microwave ovens, to add these additional effects.

The pressure cooker

Pressure cooking is a method of cooking in a sealed vessel that does not permit air or liquids to escape below a preset pressure. Because the boiling point of water increases as the pressure increases, the pressure built up inside the cooker allows the liquid in the pot to rise to a higher temperature before boiling.
Pressure is created at the beginning with boiling liquid, such as water, inside the closed pressure cooker and the trapped steam increases the internal pressure and temperature, which is maintained throughout cooking time.

An early pressure cooker, called a steam digester, was invented by Denis Papin, a French physicist, in 1679. Large pressure cookers are often called pressure canners in the United States, due to their capacity to hold jars used in canning. A version of a pressure cooker used by laboratories and hospitals to sterilize materials is known as an autoclave.