October 21, 2010

吐儿冢 ——《封神演义》(fēngshén yǎnyì)

Fengshen Yanyi

King WEN / Ji Chang (周文王/ 姬昌) – a saint, the first King of Zhou Dynasty who wrote a famous book - I Ching.
Bo Yi Kao (伯邑考) - the eldest son of Ji Chang
King ZHOU (商纣王) - the last king of Shang Dynasty who was very cruel.

King ZHOU put Ji Chang in jail. Bo Yi Kao was worried about his father, so he went to Yindu (The capital of Shang Dynasty) to beg King ZHOU to release Ji Chang. But King ZHOU caught him as a hostage. At the same time, King ZHOU got the news that Ji Chang had already finished the book I Ching, which could divine the future. King ZHOU had a cruel idea to test Ji Chang’s ability. He killed Bo Yi Kao, cooked his meat to make a soul and gave it to Ji Chang. Seeing the soup, Ji Chang divined the fact and knew this was a test. If he refused, King ZHOU would suspect him. So he ate the soup. After hearing the report, King ZHOU said smugly, ”Who said Ji Chang was a saint? He had even no idea to eat his son’s meat!” From then on, King ZHOU lowered guard to Ji Chang.
In fact, Ji Chang didn’t digest the meat. He threw them up and formed a grave named “吐儿冢”. It’s also said that the stuff thrown out by JiChang became rabbits, so there is a saying floating aroud Youli (a city’s name) "the rabbits in Youli never can be hunt."

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